Thursday, August 17, 2017

Everyone likes penguins. Most people think there are only 2 or 3 different types but did you know there are actually 17?

The Emperor Penguin
The emperor penguin is one of the tallest and heaviest living penguins in the Antarctica. The male and female are very similar in size, reaching 1.22cm and weighing from 22 to 45 kgs. They can live for 20 years.

What They Eat
Penguins eat seafood. Their main diet is made up of fish,squid,krill and crustaceans. Instead of drinking salt water penguins have a little gland in their bodies that takes the salt out of the water they drink.

What Types of Conditions
do they Live in?
You will not find any penguins that live in the Northern hemisphere unless it is a Galapagos penguin. Most penguins do live in the Southern Hemisphere because it is colder.

Penguins are a main food source for a number of marine mammals, especially the leopard seals. These types of seals hide under the ice and wait quietly for their prey. Other predators are sea lions and orcas. But Penguins do have ways that they protect themself. Their white bellies blend with the snow and the sunlight so it makes it difficult for an underwater predator to see them.They are also very fast when it comes to swimming underwater which can help when they need an escape.

Penguins that live in New Zealand
There are three types of penguins that live in  New Zealand these types are the Yellowed eyed Penguin, the Fiordland crested penguin and also the little penguin.

So now you know something new about penguins, where they live, what they eat and much much more.

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