Tuesday, August 25, 2015

For my reading I had to read a story called Not so Normal. It was about this boy that was also an alien and the story was not finished so I had to finish it for them.

Not so Normal

I did what anyone would do, squish it, then it broke into a one million pieces. Normal came out and said "How dare you! That is the only way for me to get to my own planet."

“Well," I said. "You are the most disgusting thing I have ever seen”. Then all of a sudden, Normal started chasing me all over the paddock. Then I ran home to Dad. 
“Dad!" I yelled. "Normal is chasing me. He has turned into a disgusting alien”. 
“Ok," says Dad. "We will have to shoot the thing." Then Dad grabs his shot gun and runs out the door. Then there is a bang. Normal was lying on the ground dead. “That is the end of him," Dad says.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Otama School

Otama School is in the middle of the country, some place fun.
Our school is very spacious and it has room to play rugby, tennis and lots of fun games. At Otama School lots of fun things go on, like we go ice skating, swimming and we do lots of fun art. We don’t have lots of children but our school consists of two classrooms.  It has a library that kids love to get books out of but most of all, we love new kids and we are always open to new ideas. Otama school is the best.

Monday, August 17, 2015

For my reading activity I had to read a story and then make my own trap. This trap works like this. You push the button that makes it go and then it senses if a possum is there. Then it will go over the possum and trap it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My eyes make me stand out in a crowd because they are starry bright. I have ears that sit on the side of my head and hear as well as an eagle. My lips glow at night because they are so bright. My hair flows down the side of my head and sits on my shoulder all day. I have two very useful arms that follow me everywhere and help me with everything.
Oh how I love myself.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Beautiful nature
Image result for beautiful nature
The playful, prancing horses jump about in the sun set. The red, yellow and orange sun, sets down, making shadows. The tree stands tall, sheltering the land. The horse shadows creep along. As the strong tree trunks bend over the lake, the autumn day finishes.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Yum Mud
As I step on to the field one of the players is heaving the mud encrusted ball across to the opposite side. Three, two, one, go! Straight into the lovely mud I go. I push someone in the mud then all of a sudden there is a bang! I turn around and it is my best friend in stinky mud. Then I grab the ball, dribble it up and bam - straight in the goal. Wow! The game is over and we won. I was so delighted and no one could even tell who I was.